Yes, I find it quite arrogant, and prideful (sin) to go around scoffing at being just another species of animals on this planet. That we are "holy" beings, made in the image of a god... yeah, pretty prideful indeed.
Thoughts on why they like it so much? I find it to be much the same as people who are having emotional troubles, and thinking "if only I had a girlfriend/boyfriend, THEN I would be happy!!! Because I cannot possibly be happy, secure, content, on my own!!" I often times hear phrases like, "I would be completely lost without God!! I need him in my every day life!!!"
I used to think about about girlfriends, cars, distractions, etc. in that manner. I was looking for all my happiness from external sources. Never content with myself, not able to find that security, confidence, satisfaction from within (those things can only ever truly come from within. When other people and things have to do it for you, it's just a false sense of happiness, essentially a bandaid to what is not resolved). It's just so obvious that such people need some good old fashioned therapy, some "personal searching" (not searching for a religion, no.. But that inner source of happiness and fulfillment). I was much like that. I needed everything from anywhere but myself. And I was miserable even when I was able to find all those bandaids to my deeper issues. But in time, with much therapy, hard and uncomfortable self-examination and improvement, I finally found that I am the only one that can make me happy/secure/fulfilled/etc. Only me. It's as that saying goes, "no one can love you until you love yourself." Just the same with fulfilment and happiness. Others can only share that with you, but cannot provide it for you.
And I'm doing quite well, now that I finally made that imperative realization. No one else can make you happy. They can only help you do it for yourself :-)
Unfortunately, religion considers that to be such a terrible and evil thing, to actually live an emotionally healthy life. Perhaps because that's the greatest threat to religious belief? No more personal wounds, no more need for desperation? It literally promotes and idolizes emotional disasters that cause so many people so much pain in their lives. It almost killed me a few times (depression/pain... Leads to wanting out).... So sorry, but there is nothing to be idolized about that kind of unhealthy emotional/mental state. Nothing whatsoever. And religion tends to offer those band-aids to the same wounds that it either causes in us, or were there to begin with. Either way, it only gets worse, the more we depend on passing off all responsibility and outsourcing our happiness. We become less and less able to provide that for ourselves. And yes, we all certainly can, barring mental illness. Even so, however, the answer to that is every less so "religion," and much more so "psychiatry."
It's sure ironic, that if you go to a qualified therapist/counsellor, the very crucial advice they will give you, is almost completely contradictory to what religion tells you to strive for. In fact, what religion glorifies as "the perfect state of mind," a therapist would rather end moving the next appointment up, if this is the state of a client/patient. This is no way to live, or at least, no way that anyone should want to live.
If we need a belief in deities to make us happy, content, secure, fulfilled, then that's a very clear warning sign that we need to address those issues. This is not healthy, and while I have absolute compassion for those that suffer from what I myself once did, such destructive emotional and mental states are not to be idolized, strived for, let alone put up on a marble pedestal.
It's maddening, that our society on average promotes what is so harmful to people... And is sold as the complete opposite.
12 Jun 2012
Religion as a cure to unhappiness.....??
Recently I made a more concise comment on a post about how it is actually more arrogant to believe in religious ideologies, than it is to just accept that we are yet another animal species on this infinitesimally small planet of ours. My comment was as follows:
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